In the realm of anime, a recent incident has ignited a considerable uproar. The ‘Jujutsu Kaisen Red Incident Video’ has become viral, displaying a graphic scenario involving a Gojo figurine—a character from the popular anime series Jujutsu Kaisen—and a tampon saturated in red liquid, presumed to be blood. The explicit nature of the video has triggered concerns worldwide, including in the Philippines and the United States, with advisories cautioning against the viewing of this disturbing content.

Despite the warnings, curiosity among fans and internet users has surged, prompting an intense search for the video. However, efforts to locate the viral content on mainstream social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, or Reddit have proven fruitless. These platforms appear to have removed the video due to its unsettling nature, with channels sharing the content reportedly being banned to shield viewers from exposure to the graphic material.

The anime community is grappling with shock in the aftermath of this incident. Fans are seeking clarification regarding the video’s intent and content, and the creator—a 16-year-old fan of the series—has chosen to remain silent amidst the swirling speculations. This occurrence has prompted reflections on hygiene practices and the behavior of fans within the anime community.

While the video itself may not be widely accessible on mainstream platforms, certain websites and potentially private pages or groups on platforms like Telegram persist in providing details about the controversial footage. The incident has sparked intense discussions among fans about the untapped potential of cursed techniques within the series. By showcasing the Cursed Technique Reversal: Red—a formidable skill wielded by the character Satoru Gojo—the video has added new layers to the lore of Jujutsu Kaisen, engaging the fan community in a novel, albeit controversial, manner.
