Pim Kornkanok has taken decisive action, preparing to initiate legal proceedings over a troubling matter. Holding tightly to resolve, she has begun sharing leaked clips featuring her ex-partner’s name, thus unveiling a tarnished history.

At just 23 years old, Pim Kornkanok, a model, internet idol, and influencer, finds herself at the center of online discourse, albeit for less than favorable reasons. Following the circulation of a clip featuring her with her former boyfriend, Pim’s name surged in searches, prompting her to address the issue via Instagram under the handle pimmmmss. Confirming the authenticity of the leaked clip, she bravely stepped forward to acknowledge its veracity.


She recounted the events surrounding the leaked clip, affirming its authenticity as footage captured during her previous relationship. As for the origins of the leaked content, she remains uncertain. How did it surface? Who released it? Despite instructing her ex-partner to delete the clip following their breakup, it somehow found its way into the public domain.

Pim Kornkanok expressed her current stance of acceptance and remorse for the situation. Additionally, she announced her intention to pursue legal recourse while urging those who encountered the clip to report it and refrain from sharing further. Ideally, she hopes to prevent anyone else from viewing the clip, as she deeply regrets the ordeal.

Having predominantly shared her side of the story through Instagram stories, Pim also posted a brief message stating: “Pim may not be able to speak extensively, but Pim has truly made an effort. At this point, Pim finds it difficult to endure. Thank you to all those who understand Pim.”

Following Pim Kornkanok’s disclosure of the complete narrative, her ex-boyfriend, also identified as Pim Kornkanok, made his own statement. Acknowledging his presence in the leaked clip, he emphasized that he was not responsible for its dissemination. He confirmed reaching out to the woman involved, offering sincere apologies.

Asserting his innocence, the ex-boyfriend denied any involvement in circulating or posting the clip. “Regarding the incident currently under speculation, I am indeed the individual featured in the clip. I am the ex-boyfriend of the victim. I deeply regret the incident. I have spoken with the victim, extending heartfelt apologies and affirming my innocence regarding the clip’s dissemination or forwarding.

I would like to utilize this platform to express my profound apologies to the victim, her family, and all affected parties. This unfortunate incident has caused distress and upheaval in their lives, as well as in the lives of my loved ones. I sincerely apologize.”
